Multinational businesses have always been affected by major developments in international trade, global risk and geopolitical shifts. The importance of these issues is increasing every day in light of events such as the U.S.-China trade war, the global response to the war in Ukraine, and the risks posed by rogue state actors such as Iran and North Korea.
In order to provide actionable insights into global law and policy developments, Sheppard Mullin has relaunched Nota Bene, a ground-breaking podcast that aired from 2018 to 2021, with 156 episodes discussing how international legal headlines affect businesses around the world.
Nota Bene’s new host is Sheppard Mullin international law partner Scott Maberry, a five time Nota Bene guest, and a member of the World Economic Forum Expert Network.
Nota Bene relaunched yesterday with Episode 157 on “Analyzing Risks and Opportunities Facing Multinational Companies” with guest and former host Michael P.A. Cohen. Upcoming episodes will include a Ukraine war update, episodes on cryptocurrency, the role of futurism in corporate strategy, the global race toward green energy, legal and strategic issues for social media, U.S. economic sanctions, how equity in the workplace can create a better future, how organizational integrity is vital to success in the global marketplace, the future of compliance, among many others. The podcast will also continue the quarterly economic and policy check-ins from the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Nota Bene, named after the Latin term meaning “note well, take special notice,” will air every other Wednesday. Access Nota Bene and subscribe on your favorite podcatcher (Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Stitcher) or through Sheppard Mullin’s web site at If you’d like to be considered as a guest (including economists, policy makers and business executives), contact host Scott Maberry at
Sheppard Mullin, an AmLaw 100 law firm with more than 1,000 lawyers in 16 offices worldwide, is an industry leader in legal educational content, with 37 practice- and industry-focused blogs and four podcasts: Nota Bene, The French Insider, Restructure This! and The Legit Ledger.